Friday 21 May 2010


1. Media forms

What conventions of advertising are evident in this text?

The different conventions of advertising which are evident in this text are the music. The music which is used in this is very familiar and known; it’s upbeat, active and fun. This connotes that it is multigenerational songs. There is also the use of shock tactics and this is shown when everyone is walking normally on the Liverpool station ad suddenly there is the element of surprise when someone starts dancing. This leads to the use of personal identification, of using ordinary people in the advertisement. The use of ordinary people, gives the feel of escapism and the feel of being in your own world (e.g. fantasy).

The advert uses viral marketing, which is the fastest and cheapest way to market your product. It also leads to a mass market at the end as a lot of people find out about the product and therefore the business has done its job by promoting their product for cheap and getting a mass market. In this advert viral marketing has been shown when people are on the phone and talking and yet watching the dance. It shows that they are promoting the product by using the mobile phone as it is an advert for t-mobile and also shows that the people on the phones are sharing their experience (promoting the product by word of mouth). Also in the ad it shows that people are taking pictures, or even recording which would then be put online for others to see. This gives the audience a feel of user generated content (UGC), by advertising the product themselves online. There is also the slogan at the end which is ‘life for sharing’; this reinforces the institution of ‘life’ and getting to the fantasy world. Along with it is the familiar jingle which uses advertising lines of appeal.

2. Representation:

How is technology represented in this advertisement?

Technology in this advertisement is represented in a positive way. It is shown to be accessible, user friendly, everywhere and part of everyday life (necessity). It is portable and convient and this is shown through people shown on the mobile and walking around. It shows that it is lightweight and can be used anywhere. Everyone is using phones, camera phones, cameras, notebooks and later on is put on Facebook, YouTube, etc to emphasise the slogan “Life’s for Sharing”. These ideas of technology are communicated by showning a birds eye shot this is connoting the UGC, consumer control and the technology is for everyone. There are also low angle/tilt up showing the power of consumer using the technology. Another type of shot used is the point of view which, shows