Thursday 3 December 2009

who owns what

I have chosen to do the Walt Disney Corporations company and I have found out that they have a lot of platforms not just one. E.g. they do broadcast television, film, cable television, radio, music, publishin, magazines, parks & resorts and others too.
The walt disney is the worlds second media conglomerate. the walt disney parks & resorts is one of the top theme park operater in the world.
the competitors of thw walt disney company is CBS, Time Warner and news corp. The sales for Walt Disney are $37,843.0M and their net income is $4,427.0M. Their one year growth is 6.6% and their income growth is 5.5%.

The officers of Walt Disney are the Chairman: John E. Pepper Jr.

Prseident, CEO and Director: Robert A. (Bob) Iger

Chairman, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts: James A. (Jay) rasulo.

It's TV holding include the ABC television network and 10 other broadcast stations. Walt Disney is located in most parts of America.
By analysing all the platforms I can tell that Walt Disney is well known and so must be a really BIG company.
The ownerships of this particular company are that it is definately profit motivated.

Thursday 19 November 2009

horizontal & vertical integration

Horizontal integration involoves the acquistion of competitors in the same section of the industry. It might be easy possible for one company to seek to control all the market-a monoply position-but most capitalist countries have laws to prevent this happening.
Vertical integration is joining together of businesses that are involved in different but related activities or processes. Vertical intergation describes a style of management control. Nineteenth century steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie introduced the idea of vertical integration.
In microeconomics and strategic management, the term horizontal integration describes a type of ownership and control. It is a strategy used by a business or corporation that seeks to sell a type of product in numerous markets. Horizontal integration in marketing is much more common than vertical integration is in production. Horizontal integration occurs when a firm is being taken over by, or merged with, another firm which is in the same industry and in the same stage of production as the merged firm, e.g. a car manufacturer merging with another car manufacturer. In this case both the companies are in the same stage of production and also in the same industry.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

contrasting magazine covers

The two magazine cover are contrasting because one of them is aimed at males and the other is aimed at females. The magazine cover on the right is aimed at women and men both. it is aimed at women because it has things to do with fashion and beauty. If a women was to read the word fashion on a magazine then they would pick it up because they would want to keep up with the fashion trend and want to know stories and would want to know more about their favouirte charater/singer etc. Women also love gossiping and by lookin at the front cover of the magazine it looks like it contains alot of gossip of different/interesting things.
It is also aimed at men because of the pretty/attention seeking picture on the front cover which would make men think that it has more pictures of good looking and probably women with clevage in the magazine. Men might also buy this magazine because if they want to get something for a girl and are really stuck for ideas then they could look in the magazine and get some ideas on what to get for girls as it has got things to do with fashion.
This magazine would be targeted at young males about 20+
The magazine on the right is again aimed at men and women. Firstly it is aimed at men because the guy at the front is a well known singer Usher, and so guys that are fans of Usher would pick this magazine to read and fins out more about their favourite singer. Also on the magazine it say 'Usher, the king is back', which makes us as an audience think that Usher has bought something new is going to share some information with us.
it is aimed at women because it is Usher's picture on the front cover and so girls that like Usher and his songs would also want to read this magazine. Also the picture on the front cover is a male so females would be more interested in the magazine then males.
this magazine would be targeted at young children prefreably teenagers because Usher is well known in this target audience.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Comparing film Genres

If you count all dramas as one genre, it would be number 1, but we usually divide up dramas into many categories.
Comedy is the most common genre, but there are so many cross-over films (musical-comedy, romantic comedy, action comedy, horror comedy, comedy-dramas, even murder comedies, etc.) that it is hard to count them all. I also think that there is not just one most popular genre because people watch what looks interesting. Personally i think that comedy, horror, drama are the most popular at present because there are more comedy, horror and drama movies which have released. Also most of the movies are now coming from books (books come out before and then if the book has been popular with the audience then the movie would be released).
I think that in the 1930's and 1940's romance was the most popular genre because when you watch old movies you can see that there is a lot of romance being used and at the time the audinece had time to go out with couples and watch such movies, although now everyone is busy and has no time for entertainment. Also i think there was horror aswell because back in the days people loved getting thrilled, and at the time horror was not that thriller whereas now when you compare a horror movie from the 1930's and 1940's to the horror movies now you can see that the horror movies now are more thrilling.

Sunday 8 November 2009

movie trailer =]

I have chosen to do the trailer on the movie of 2021. this movie is a bit of thriller and has things to do with historical events and bit of non fiction. In this trailer at the start it tells the audience that it has been approved by the motion pictures association of america (MPAA). It then goes on to show the institutional information and tells us the production of the company. Then you can hear the music build up and it starts off really slow/calm and shows the thunder lightening which is were the music goes loud. It then shows a clip of a news reporter and then shows the natural cause which could be the climax scence. There is also text at the start of the trailer which gets the audience puzzled and think what day are they talking about? The scences with the news in it emphaises that us as an audience are watching it and that it has actually happened which gets the audience worried and stay put to the movie because the auidence gets so invovled that its like them actually having the TV remote in their hand and they don't want to move the channel.

The bit where they show the happy family in the car, they make it pretty obvious that something is going to happen becsuse the music again starts to build up. there is a really big close up when the flame like thing hits the ground which makes us the auidence feel like we are actually there and its all happening and there is also a sound bridge. Also the shot where the building falls and is rolling towards the camera feels like the building is going to crush us any minute. And at this point the sound has built up and is really strong and is actually scaring the audience and makes them nervouse and really into the trailer. Then there is the name of producer and after that there is this music that gives a beat which makes you heart thump along.

After that they write the movies that the person has made before so the audience get a hint of how the movie will be espically for the people that have seen these movies before and are familier with the work. The sound then goes and there are scence from the movie shown and then the sound starts again and you see scences that are so chaotic and there is so much happen at once that you don't know what to focus on which also makes the audience want to watch the movie because you want to know what is actually going on. There's the phrase 'the end is jus the beggining' which makes us as the audience think what are they talking about. the world is about to end and they are saying it's the beggining? After that you get to see more horrific scences, and at this point the music is suddenly more dramatic. We get another sound bridge of the big wave coming, and then a last scence of a family and then comes the title and date of the movie. Also at the end there is a sentence and V/O of someone saying find out the truth which gives the audience the sense that it is non fiction. Lastly the characters names and the director's name come on the screen.

This trailer is 2.48 sec which is just about right beacuse the maximum time of a trailer is 3 mins and there is a link at the bottom so you can watch the trailer:

Thursday 29 October 2009

capital radio station

Still the most popular independent radio station in London; in their words "London's number one hit music station." One of the first independent local radio stations in the UK - started broadcasting on 16 October 1973. Pop chart music, aimed primarily at a young audience with lots of disposable income. Comprehensive web site ( Sister station, Capital Gold is also based in London on 1548 kHz AM. The breakfast show is the most popular slot which was hosted by Chris Tarrant until 2004(?) when Johnny Vaughan and a team of helpers took over. The high-power high-energy feel of this station makes you feel weary after an hour or so, but if you want pace, current hits and a "being there" feeling, this is your place. In 1997 Capital moved their studios to Leicester Square. CApital also has 18.5 million listeners. total net profit for capital is £35m. it is owned by the global radio group.

Friday 23 October 2009

comapny values and profits

Viacom short for "Video & Audio Communications", is an American media conglomerate with various worldwide interests in cable and satellite television networks. In 2008, its Revenue was $14.625 billion, its Operating income was $2.496 billion, its Net income was $1.251 billion, its total assets were $22.487 billion and its total equity was $7.033 billion.
Time Warner
Time Warner Inc. is the world's largest entertainment company as well as the world's fourth largest media conglomerate, headquartered in the Time Warner Center in New York City.In 2008, its Revenue income was $46.98 billion, its Operating Income was $-15.95 billion, its Net income was $-13.40 billion, its total assets were $113.89 billion.
News Corporation is the world's second largest media conglomerate. The company's Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Founder is Rupert Murdoch.On 6th May 2009, its Revenue was $32.996 billion and its net income was $5.38 billion in 2008.
Sony Corporation is a multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Minato, Tokyo, Japan, and is one of the world's largest media conglomerates.Its Revenue on 31st March 2009 was 7.730 trillion Yen, its Operating income was −227.8 billion Yen, its Net income was -98.9 billion Yen. In 2009, its total assets were $230.5 billion USD, and its total equity and profits are roughly $50 billion USD.

Thursday 8 October 2009

The magazine woman's weekly is targeted for a old generation e.g. late 30's and early 60's. you can tell this because on the cover of the magazine it says 'look your best in your 40's 50's & 60's' which gives the hint that its got articles to look younger etc.. and you can also tell that this magazine is mainly for females because when looked at the title it says woman's weekly and you can tell that mostly women will get attracted by looking at it and reading the title and even the pictures, it all female so its obvious that more females will pick up this magazine.

I think that the products and services will be like anit wrinkle cream samples and there will be tips on how to look young. there will also be articles of a women's life story and other stories that might be interesting for the age group that it's aimed at. There might also be recipes on how to maintain the figure and probably adverts on the best beauty products out in that season or week. There might even be a few pages on fashion with whats in and whats not, and how they readers should match things etc...

The colours on the poster are cartoon like which connotes that this movie will be funny and really good to watch. It also gives a sense that the story line of the movie will be humorous. the colours pink and blue go together really well and also the two colours are really bright and so it stands out.
The title of the film is 'the naked gun 2 1/2 the smell of the fear'. the bit 'the naked gun and the smell of fear ' is written in white and the background is black and so contrasts well. The number 2 1/2 is written in bright pink which, when looked at the poster the eyes are directly drawn to the number. it is very cleverly designed because the number is very strange because with most movie posters there will be a whole number e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.. but here there is a really odd number 2 1/2 which makes you wonder what the meaning behind it is. The number 2 1/2 can connotes that the movie might be half and the other half might come out later, or the movie will have cut scenes.
You can tell that the main character is the old man because he is the one who has taken up more then half the poster. then the other characters are at the bottom and have got little pictures with a little bit of information about them which connotes that they might not be playing a big part in the movie. It also shows that the main character has a gun in his handand some sort of ID in his left hand, this connotes that the character is either in the police force or some sort of detective or could even be an under cover agent.
When you look at the poster from the top onwards you can see that the lines from the bullets are put there on purpose and made the bullets look like rockets because that drags your eyes to the main charcter, and then you carry on looking down from there because you want to know more about the movie and so you would look to find information on the movie and for that you would have to look down.
The title of the movie is written in an angle, this connotes a sense of confusion for the audience. The way they have made the main character Frank Derbin stand is like they were trying to make the letter 'X'. Also they have made the main character stand on the bullets as if they were rockets and also the background looks like it was shot in the sky.